Bridgepoint Urine Stain Remover With Hydrocide 3.78L

Bridgepoint Urine Stain Remover With Hydrocide 3.78L

$69.52$60.45 +gst Each
Bridgepoint Urine Stain Remover With Hydrocide 3.78L - $60.45
Out of stock, accepting back orders

DISCLAIMER: The Bridgepoint Professional Range is recommended for experienced carpet cleaners only. Please follow all instructions and use with caution.

Urine Stain Remover now contains the odor encapsulating and bonding power of Bridgepoint Hydrocide! As it neutralizes and eliminates the yellow stain, it also neutralizes the odor. New, improved formula utilizing the strengths of Stain Zone. Hydrocide added to facilitate odor neutralization.

Many times normal pet odor decontamination procedures remove the yellow staining that accompanies many pet urine deposits. But when it doesn't, reach for Urine Stain Remover with Hydrocide. Simply spray the stain full strength and allow it to work for 3 to 8 hours and the stain will disappear.

This is a product that will deliver truly amazing results and there's no need to neutralize or rinse. Urine Stain Remover goes on at an acidic pH of 5.4 but self-neutralizes to a neutral pH of 7 as it dries.

For minor spots and pet odor, cleaning and application of new formula is all that is needed.