Extra Strength BleachExtra Strength BleachExtra Strength Bleach
Extra Strength BleachExtra Strength BleachExtra Strength Bleach

Extra Strength Bleach

$18.81$16.36 +gst Each
Extra Strength Bleach 5L - $16.36
In Stock
Extra Strength Bleach 20L - $59.50
Low Stock

RapidClean Commercial Bleach is a chlorine activated bleach and sanitiser which may be used in a wide variety of cleaning and sanitising applications. It can also be used as a vegetable sanitiser in kitchen applications when diluted to the correct ratio.

RapidClean Commercial Bleach INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH BLEACH and DISINFECTANT is a chlorine activated bleach and sanitiser for use in laundries, kitchens, restaurants, bathrooms and toilets.

Commercial Bleach may be used in a number of applications including the following:
- Stain removal of kitchen crockery.
- Bleaching of clothes
- Hard surface sanitiser in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Cleaning and disinfecting of toilets and urinals.

- Multi purpose
- Cleans, sanitises and disinfects
- Broad spectrum
- Kills all bacteria, germs and viruses
- Masks unpleasant odours