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Clean 300m2 in just 1 minute of your time, with the i-walk

Level up your Cleaning Routine
Maximize cleaning efficiency without wasting time. Combine powerful, modern co-botic technology with the unequaled cleaning results of an i-mop XL. In less than a minute, you can get the machine operational and get on with other tasks.

Why i-walk is your choice:
Compatible with all i-mop XL models from 2014 onwards, allowing you to upgrade machines that you already have with modern robotics.

Less strain on cleaners bodies, since they don’t have to clean large floor areas anymore.

No compromise on cleaning quality, due to the integration of an i-mop inside.

Minimizes consumables used due to its advanced recovery system, making it a sustainable choice for effective cleaning.

Unique co-bot functionality Takes over repetitive tasks, freeing up the operator for more complex work.

i-mop XL not included.