Unger Ergo! Clean Mopping Kit Velcro ProUnger Ergo! Clean Mopping Kit Velcro Pro
Unger Ergo! Clean Mopping Kit Velcro ProUnger Ergo! Clean Mopping Kit Velcro Pro

Unger Ergo! Clean Mopping Kit Velcro Pro

$564.03$490.46 +gst Each
Unger Ergo! Clean Mopping Kit Velcro Pro - $490.46

This item is available to be ordered but not held in stock.

Ready-to-use at anytime and anywhere. A telescopic pole, adjusts to the height of each user.
Integrated trigger dispenses liquid quickly. A unique S-curved pole with auto-drive rotating grips reduces stress and repetitive strains on wrists, shoulders and waist. Has a detachable and interchangeable bottle for chemicals and allows the user to switch from one chemical to another, and move to different areas quickly with the same tool.

The kit includes:

S-Telescopic handle.
Interchangeable 1 litre bottle.
Microfibre velcro backed mop pad with colour coding tabs.
Aluminium velcro mop holder.
Colour coding rings for bottles.